Dead by Deadlighthas launched its first anime crossover with the critically acclaimed show Attack on TitanCome from Sports betting site VPbet. As a part of the collaboration, 10-outfits inspired by Attack on Titan are now available to purchase in the asymmetrical survival horror game. From now until July 26, a special sale will take place on specific outfits, and players will be able to unlock daily rewards in-game.
The collection features eight Very Rare outfits for survivors and two Ultra Rare outfits for killers. All uniforms for both the survivors and killers are direct references to events that happened in the anime/manga. The survivor outfits include:
- Dwight Fairfield in Erern’s Uniform
- Yui Kimura in Mikasa’s Uniform
- Felix Richter in Armin’s Uniform
- Meg Thomas in Annie’s Uniform
- Zarina Kassir in Hanges Uniform
- Jake Park in Levi’s Uniform
- Kate Denson in Historia’s Uniform
- Ace Visconti in Kenny’s Uniform
The killers outfits will include:
- The Armored Titan Outfit for The Oni
- The War Hammer Titan Outfit for The Spirit